Eric Vin

Eric Vin

PhD Student, Computer Science and Engineering, UC Santa Cruz

UCSC Formal Methods Group

Jack Baskin School of Engineering

University of California, Santa Cruz

Eric Vin is a PhD candidate in Computer Science and Engineering at UC Santa Cruz, advised by Daniel Fremont. His research is centered in the area of Formal Methods, specifically applied to cyber-physical systems like self-driving cars. He works primarily on extending and applying the Scenic probabilistic programming language for design and verification of autonomous cyber-physical systems.

Selected Publications

  • Vin et al., 3D Environment Modeling for Falsification and Beyond with Scenic 3.0. CAV 2023.
  • Chattoraj, Vin, et al., Tackling Simulation Inconsistencies in the Robot Design Process by Selective Empirical Evaluation. CPS-IoT Week Workshops 2023.
  • Gittis, Vin, and Fremont, Randomized Synthesis for Diversity and Cost Constraints with Control Improvisation. CAV 2022. Available online.