Register: 2022 UC Santa Cruz Open Source Symposium

Registration is now open!

The UC Open Source Research Symposium (successor to the CROSS Research Symposia series) is happy to be able to mix in-person, hybrid and fully remote activities in an effort to provide a larger audience the opportunity to learn about open source research at the University of California. Participants can interact with UC faculty, graduate students, and affiliated researchers, and discuss future directions and discover areas of collaboration from campuses throughout the UC system.

Returning after a two year hiatus, the Symposium will once again include the annual UC Santa Cruz Systems Research Lab’s Oktoberfest barbeque on the evening of the first day of the symposium.

Stephanie Lieggi
Stephanie Lieggi
Executive Director of OSPO, Executive Director of CROSS, UC Santa Cruz
Carlos Maltzahn
Carlos Maltzahn
Retired Adjunct Professor, former Sage Weil Presidential Chair for Open Source Software, Founder & former Director of CROSS, OSPO

My research interests include programmable storage systems, big data storage & processing, scalable data management, distributed systems performance management, and practical reproducible research.